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Fluke i6000s-24 Flex AC Akım Probu ( 6000 A )

Ürün Kodu : Fluke i6000s
40.000 TL + KDV
Fiyat Alarmı

40.000 TL + KDV
Electrical Characteristics
Current ranges60 A / 600 A / 6000 A AC rms
Output sensitivity (AC coupled)50 mV /5 mV / 0.5 mV per A
Load impedance100 kOhm minimum
Accuracy (at +25°C)±1% of range (45 – 65 Hz)
Linearity (10% to 100% of range)±0.2% of reading
Noise8 mV AC rms (60 A)
2 mV AC rms (600/6000 A)
Frequency range10 Hz to 50 kHz (-3 dB)
Phase error< ±1° (45 – 65 Hz)
±10° (at 20 kHz)
Position sensitivity (with cable > 25 mm from the coupling)

Position sensitivity: From 1% up to 3% of range with cable, depending on distance from the center (see figure left). Measurements closer than 25 mm from the coupling are typically greater than 3% of range.

External wire influence: 1% (-40 db) of external current >200 mm from head.

External field (with cable > 200 mm from the head)±1% of range
Power supply2 x AA MN 1500 LR6 alkaline
400 Hours, low battery indicator or dedicated ext power supply
Temperature coefficient±0.08% of reading per ° C
Working voltage (see Safety Standards section)600 V AC rms or DC
General Characteristics
Head cable length (double insulated)610 mm (24 in) I6000s Flex-24
915 mm (36 in) I6000s Flex-36
Head cable diameter14.3 mm
Head bend radius38.1 mm
Cable length (head to electronics)2 m
Output connection0.5 m cable terminated with safety BNC connector
Supplied with 4 mm safety plug adaptor
Operating temperature range-20 to +90°C (head)
-20 to +85°C (electronics)
Storage temperature range-40 to +105°C (head)
-20 to +85°C (electronics)
Operating humidity15% to 85% (non condensing)
Weight180 g (head), 190 g (electronics)
Safety Standards
BS EN 610101: 2001
BS EN 610102-032: 2002
BS EN 61010031: 2002
600 V rms, Category III, Pollution degree 2 
EMC standardsBS EN 61326: 1998 +A1, A2, and A3


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Ürün Durumu
T-Soft E-Ticaret Sistemleriyle Hazırlanmıştır.